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President's Welcome


Welcome to the official website of Phi Delta Epsilon, the first premedical fraternity at the University of Michigan! 

      I first rushed PhiDE because I was hoping to find a community of pre-meds that I could learn from and grow with. At the time, I had no idea how much this organization would come to mean to me.

     Professional events, such as doctor dinner, medical student brunch, suture clinics, and diversity workshops, have allowed me to broaden my understanding of the field of medicine. I've gained valuable insight on the path to becoming a physician from the mentorship that upperclassmen have provided me. The social events are welcome breaks from study sessions, and I always find myself looking forward to ice skating, cider mill trips, cultural potlucks, and karaoke. Most importantly, PhiDE has given me some of my closest friends and many of my favorite college memories. I am constantly reminded how uplifting and supportive this community is, and I feel incredibly fortunate to have met such a diverse group of people.

     Explore our website to find information about rush, our members, and our frat! Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions – I'd be more than happy to answer them :)

Katie Qu '26

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